UNDER GLASS. 21 Uncontaminated narratives | An online exhibition
DAY 14 di 21 (27/03/2020)
Calixto Ramírez Correa, Onomatopea di uno starnuto (Onomatopoeia of a sneeze), 2020. Video HD, 01:00 minutes

About the work
I´m interested in a mundane action like sneezing, which is a natural defense of our body, in the current crisis, doing it in a public space has various connotations.
Just as after Duchamp a urinal is no longer just a urinal, or after 9/11, an airplane is not only an airplane, with the current crisis, a sneeze is not a simple sneeze.
The game of the onomatopoeia interests me because in the end each culture has its own way of representing the action of sneezing. Therefore, the video in silence, gives the opportunity for each viewer to generate their own sound.
In China for example it is AH-TI!
In Italian Etciú!
In English Achooo!
In Japanese Hakushon!
Palazzo Lucarini I UNDER GLASS. 21 Uncontaminated narratives, An online exhibition
Opening virtuale giornaliero dal 14 marzo al 3 aprile 2020, un artista al giorno, dalle ore 19:00
sui nostri profili Istagram e Facebook e su www.palazzolucarini.it
Daily virtual opening from 14 March to 3 April 2020, one artist per day, from 7 p.m. on our Istagram and Facebook profiles and on www.palazzolucarini.it
#calixtoramirezcorrea #Onomatopea #Onomatopeya #Onomatopoeia #Sneeze #Estornudo #Starnuto #defensanatural #naturaldefense #difesanaturale #autorretrato #selfportrait #autorittrato #videoperformance #miedo #paura #fear #underglass #uncontaminatednarratives #museichiusimuseiaperti #videoarte #Palazzolucarini #Palazzolucarinicontemporary #homeresistance #onlineexhibition #vieoarte #palazzolucarinionlineexhibition #contemporaryart #coronavirustime #coronavirusresistence #coronavirus #iorestoacasa #italy #trevi #mauriziococcia #marapredicatori @palazzolucarini @calixtoramirexcorrea